Friday, April 8, 2011

Easy Energy-Saving Ideas for Spring

Spring is finally upon us, which means things will be heating up in no time...including your electric bill.  In today's economy, it's important to reduce expenses wherever possible, especially those costs related to your home. I have seen how seemingly small steps in home maintenance can yield big results in terms of savings. Whenever working with clients, therefore, I make sure to point out the various ways they can save energy. Not only is it good for the environment, it's good for your household budget as well. Here are some great energy-saving ideas to look at this spring:

Start at the top. Now is the perfect time to make sure your roof has adequate ventilation. As the weather gets increasingly warmer, heat builds up in your attic and good ventilation is critical to cutting cooling costs and protecting your shingles, as well.
Check your cooling system. An annual inspection is key to keeping your air conditioning system at peak performance. Early spring is the best time to call a local contractor to schedule a check-up. Make sure air conditioning units are free of obstructions inside and out. When embarking on spring clean up, be sure to trim bushes, and clear away leaves and other debris away from your outdoor condenser.
Consider a furnace replacement. You may be using your furnace less as the weather warms up, but if it's an older model, now may be the time to take advantage of end-of-season sales to replace it with one that's more energy efficient.
Landscaping plays a part. Plant trees on the south and west side of your house to provide cooling shade.

These are just some of the ways to help reduce energy costs and also protect one of your greatest investments...your home.

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