Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What I Learned About Right-Sizing

Last fall we finally did it. It's just the two of us now and we no longer wanted all that space and all that maintenance. You've probably had these thoughts, though--we have too much stuff! It's a symptom of our society and we, too, had all the trappings. My advice? If downsizing is even a remote thought--something that you'd like to eventually do--then start now getting rid of all that stuff.

Start with the book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up", by Marie Kondo. You may not embrace every aspect of the book, but you will find great tips on how to make those hard decisions of what to keep and what to toss. You can tackle it all at once like the book suggests, or you can take it one closet, or one room at a time, like I did. I found that as I went from room to room, that I loved the result. Bringing order to chaos and clutter is a great feeling. You realize that you really didn't need all that stuff or even want it. You end up with rooms that you actually enjoy living in; and when the time comes to actually make the decision to move, you'll have a much better idea of what size home is going to be best for you. And the best part--it will not be so overwhelming!

Then think about what IS the "right size" for you. The term downsizing can seem daunting. Right sizing can seem...well, JUST RIGHT! What size fits you? How often does your extended family come to visit? Do you want that pool to maintain, or just one nearby that you can enjoy with the grandkids? What are your financial goals? Will making that move help you reach your goal or reach it faster?

When you're ready, enlist my help and we'll make it happen. Here's what Chonda Pierce has to say about it......but trust me, it doesn't have to be this drastic!!!

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