Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Make New Friends, Meet Your Neighbors

It seems the days of Welcome Wagons--new neighbors knocking on your door to offer cookies, pies, and friendship--may be long gone. So how do you meet the new neighbors? Or, how do you reconnect with neighbors you haven’t seen in awhile or neighbors you never took the time to truly meet? Sometimes bad neighbors are a reason people decide to move, so here are a few creative ideas for both introverts and extroverts to get to know their neighbors.

Throw a Party. Once you are settled, take your dog and kids on a short walk with invites in hand for a potluck party. Your neighbors will love to see your place, and you can build relationships over food. If comfortable, invite their whole families - especially if you have kids and/or pets you'd like to have a future play date with.

Say “Hi” in Shared Spaces. It’s likely you will run into neighbors at the community park, a school sporting event, on a walk, or at the rec center. Say hi, introduce yourself, and let them know you are new to the area. Being friendly is usually met with the same behavior.

Get Digital. Several neighborhoods have created online neighborhood communities. You can find these on Facebook (a quick online search may lead you right to them) or Next Door (www.NextDoor.com). These communities are used to post neighborhood events, garage sales, helpful information, and more. These digital neighborhoods get you meeting people from the comfort of your couch.

Be Practical. Still scared to introduce yourself? Worried about what to say? Consider a purposeful introduction by asking a neighbor for a suggestion on lawn care, garbage pick-up, or even to exchange emergency contact information. Sometimes, having a specific purpose makes the conversation easier.

*Compliments of one of my favorite escrow companies, Legends Escrow, A Division of Chicago Title.

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